Monday, July 24, 2006


Ok, so her eyes aren't really that colour - but I can wish!

This was another taken in the bath (read the previous posting). She had her head right back looking up at me whilst sat in the tub.

I used the distortion caused by the wide angle lens to create the tapering away of her body and subsequently moved her boobs South. (She wont appreciate that!)

It makes a pleasant change to get back to photographing women. My kids and I have been invited to lots of children's birthday parties recently!

Seaside Glamour

This was a last minute shot taken just before midnight.

Not sure what inspired us to scramble around preparing the image (other than the many glasses of sangria), but it works quite well.

Shot on my trusty old 18-55mm lens while I stood on the sides of the bath.

How I didn't fall in and kill us both I have no idea!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Just as I was about to take a photo of her and her new dolls she hurt herself and the tears began to flow.
I couldn't resist the shot, but before I could even frame her properly she had wiped away the tears and was giggling again. I added the toning to compliment the mood of the image.

Somehow I don't think that this is the photo of the dolls that her grandma expected.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Big Brother

I took the image as my children played in the waves at the local beach. I think it captures the essence of them at play quite well. I used my new lens wide open at F2.8 to capture this shot at 1/2000th of a second, allowing me to freeze the action.

During post processing I changed it to a Duotone and then added a diffuse glow.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


There is as much chance of this cube seeing all six sides the same colour as my other half admitting to being older than 29.

Taken with my new lens, it gave me the opportunity to control the depth of field exactly as I wanted with having to resort to Photoshop.

Monday, July 10, 2006

The Agony and Ecstasy

Both these shots were taken on the schools sports day.

They show two contrasting views; one of a friends little girl who is enjoying the race even though she came close to last, and the other shows the agony my youngster who had tripped over his rope and lost the race he had hoped to do well in.

Both images were framed to include supporting artifacts; the coloured hoops, and the group of children sat down in the background oblivious to the pain of their classmate.
In order to get the shots sharp, I opened up the lens to its maximum aperture, and increased the ISO rating to 400.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Chaos Theory

Asking six boys to smile and pose for a camera is guaranteed to create instant havoc, and this time was no exception. The hardest task was getting them to stop wriggling and giggling long enough for the camera to fire.

I wanted to take a few more of them, but the poor hapless ones on the bottom of the pile couldn't take the pounding from those further up the food chain.

Shot at 1/200th and F6.3, this was just fast enough to capture the action.


It doesnt take a genius to work out that something bad is going to happen to someone soon. These two were plotting the soaking of one of the helpless girls at the birthday party. Their arsenal of weapons were loaded and ready for action.

I was worried about making eye contact in case I was targetted. So I grabbed this from the longest focal length that I could hold.

Leap of faith

Where do kids get their fearless ability to leap twenty feet from the top of a slide? I have far too much imagination to attempt anything like this anymore. All I could think about was where I was going to setup the triage area.

It took a few goes to get the camera panning to work, but I had plenty of willing models!

Taken at 1/200th and F5.6 using the 24-135 lens.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Little splash of colour

This was a very low light shot taken at a children's playground. The meter reading was only 1/25th and even then I had to increase the brightness during post processing.

I used the posts nearest me to steady the camera on while I grabbed this shot. All the others I took just weren't sharp enough.