Friday, March 10, 2006

4 going on 14

Grabbed this shot during one of the many time the candles were re-lit.

This was a tricky shot, as it the lights had been 'ordered off' by the newly ordained four year old. Trying to catch a an excited child still enough while hand holding the camera was hard work, but I got her just mid blow at about 1/15S.

The situation requires no explanation... However there is something not-so-special about eating cake covered in wax and spittle!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


An old barn complete with authentic hay and cat sized rats was used to get this shot.

The model is lit from the single 40w lamp hung from the rafters making the exposure very long. The second model was lit using an off camera flash.

I have added the colour using Photoshop to post process the image. The original negatives for this set have degraded very badly, probably down to me miss processing them. At least the scanned digital images should last!
For some reason people thought that I was the one wearing the stockings visible in the mirror!


I try to find interesting places to shoot and this was an old water pumping station near the coast.

Taken on Ilford FP4 using my Minolta and scanned.
I have added a mask and a couple of saturation layers to create the glow.

The light was coming in from the window just out of shot on the right, with the concrete floor filling in.
The wind was also blowing in from the window on the right making their hair and costumes blow around.

The old building also had a huge empty underground water tank, but I couldn't persuade them to go down there!